Where We Are Going

Because we decided against more medical u procedures that means we would be pursuing adoption or foster care as the way we would become parents.

Adrian has always been very open to the idea and possibility of adoption. When it became increasingly more clear that having a baby naturally would be a challenge, he instantly shifted his mindset to adoption (which infuriated me at the time). I was a little slower to realize that this was a really beautiful possibility to help us grow our family. Going to therapy and meeting others dealing with infertility opened my eyes to the reality of what I was facing and how emotionally and financially draining it could be.

In the end, we decided to move toward Foster Care. We have so much love to give and the capacity to care for little ones. We hope that our experience as foster parents eventually transforms into an opportunity for adoption. We are also open to private adoption, but we do not have a home study completed at this time.

I will be using this blog to update family and friends on our crazy journey and share all of the beautiful miracles that we experience along the way. I hope this blog can also be a place where expectant mothers can learn about me and Adrian if they are interested in adoption.